We have some more exciting news and services that we can now offer to all our clients and friends! We have been invited to join a group of top networking agents in the country called the Referral Exchange. This group is by invite only and we were excited to be selected to participate. What this means… Read more »

Posts By: xcite
Home Buying Process
“Can’t see the forest for the trees.” That expression has never been more apt than when talking about buying a home. The home buying process can be lengthy, complicated and overwhelming. Fortunately the iTeam will be with you every step of the way. Ready? Here we go… Home Buying Process (in a nutshell) Step 1:… Read more »
Home Selling Process
Real estate is an ever–changing field with buyer’s expectations often vacillating. The reality is, selling your home isn’t always easy. But with the iTeam there with you every step of the way, we will make the process as smooth, fast and as profitable as possible. Home Selling Process (in a nutshell) Step 1: Initial Consultation:… Read more »
Sell Your Home Fast
How fast your home sells and for how much, depends on a myriad of factors, many of which are out of your control. However, there are some things you can do to prepare your home before it goes on the market to help see that SOLD sign quickly. Tips for a Quick Sale Repair everything… Read more »